Mona Lisa Smile

So, Mona Lisa Smile shows the stereotypical women back in the 60's.
Back in our Broad Crit class, we discussed about "culture being created by different mix of other cultures that in time will be adapted as another culture" (e.g. sugar, milk, and coffee, are different cultures, mix 'em all together, you have another culture ;))


Katherine Ann Watson has accepted a position teaching art history at the prestigious Wellesley College. Watson is a very modern woman, particularly for the 1950s, and has a passion not only for art but for her students. For the most part, the students all seem to be biding their time, waiting to find the right man to marry. The students are all very bright and Watson feels they are not reaching their potential. Altough a strong bond is formed between teacher and student, Watson's views are incompatible with the dominant culture of the college. Written by garykmcd  


Did the stereotypical women views changed in the present?

Below is a video from Youtube, where it showcases British TV ads from the 60's - 70's. Women are always used in their ads some with that seductive romantic voice, but often women are representing household, housewife, gahhhhhhhhh annoying! haha watch it and you'd get what i mean!

You know, I'm a 60's fan, I love how conservative women are, and dresses like a barbie doll. But, I don't think that'll still suit our generation today ;)
we have evolved in time, and media showed representations of women on print and television. Women as I see it still lives in the ideology of Patriarchy. Although there are big developments happening for us women. These days, women tend to intimidate men. 

Maybe this kind of intimidation? HAHAH! nahhh ;)


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