My Date with YOU


So first, Brian Herzlinger looks like a mash-up of,




Second, I watched the film first than the trailer, so here's my reaction to the trailer...


To those who watched the film, you get it. I love you Brian, you have just become an inspirations, in the form of film creativity of course!
Anyways, before I get to the point, here's the Trailer >:) 

and to spoil some readers, here's the ending (haha!) apparently, you can watch this on Youtube, so look it up! :)


"If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul." - Drew Barrymore. Ever since the second grade when he first saw her in E.T. The Extraterrestrial, Brian Herzlinger has had a crush on Drew Barrymore. Now, 20 years later he's decided to try to fulfill his lifelong dream by asking her for a date. There's one small problem: She's Drew Barrymore and he's, well, Brian Herzlinger, a broke 27-year-old aspiring filmmaker from New Jersey. But that doesn't stop Brian and his film school pals from doing everything they can think of to convince Barrymore to go out with him - and documenting their quest along the way. Equipped with a video camera they have to return to Circuit City in 30 days and the $1,100 Brian won on a game show (where the winning answer was, prophetically, "Drew Barrymore"), they've got one month to accomplish their mission... Written by Andrew Hindes  

Third, given the chance to dream, I'd like to personally meet Robert Downey Jr. Ellen De Generes, Nick Jonas (i've seen Joe), Tim Burton (i'll complain about destroying my childhood memories HAHA), Anne Hathaway (for being the rockstar princess in wet socks), Mr. Bean, Zac Efron, The Beatles, Philip Philips, Nutella owner, Mark Zuckerburg (i demand a job! haha), Steven Spielberg, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and endless names to mention, in person. I  can't decide on only one, but if I would like to mimic Brian I'd settle for Zac Efron. Speaking of Zac, he's coming to town by the end of the month, exciting. 



Someone, Something, tells you what reality is or something that becomes a NORM.
In this particular film, we see the ideology of what an ideal guy should be to date Drew Barrymore or the ideal girl.  

below are images from GOOGLE when you search "Ideal Guy" and these are the things a girl does look for in a guy, which was constructed by media or told to them by the environment around them. Kinda like, saying "marry Ken.. or Batman"

hate to burst the heart bubbles in your head. There are no perfect men.
OH! actually, my head is constructed with my own Ideal guy. Below is just the least of them.
ian somerhalder body 2012Screening In StyleHola ZacZac Efron is ‘The Lucky One’Zac Efron Takes A Gamble 

NEXT! the Ideal Girl.
okay, so my Ideal Girl.

anne hathaway

seems like I can only think of one asian girl :| anyways.
These are the ideological looks that I like or is a norm to me because it was implanted.
To be honest, I've grown up watching fairytales and love story films and that is one factor where some part of me would like to have a Happy Ever After. Just like Brian on My date with Drew, the film was constructed for Brian to have a happy ending. :)

"History is written by Victors..." (Control Room)

"History is written by Victors. People like Victory, not justification, once you are victorious, that's it." - Samir Khader, Senior Producer of AL JAZEERA

Look at the poster / image above, isn't it ironic?

The film explains how Al Jazeera reported the War in Iraq. The Western government despised, criticized Al Jazeera's stand, of the waging war. Why is it that Al Jazeera only shows how poorly Iraq has been treated? and their response is, "That's the only image we have, you want us to show their attack on you (US) where are those images?" with that said, it has been inconsistent.

Its amazing how Journalist or mainly media can interfere and "Control" the situation in one "Room". Controlling, Manipulating what you see is something Media is very good at. There are various of point of views out there that show their own objectivity on how they right their news. Al Jazeera just took it to an "Eye-opening" level, where they ask themselves, "hey, all these news about the war are one sided, how bout we give our side?"

AND SO THEY DID. On a controversial note in fact.

I never once saw Sadam popped in, in this film. I remember a part of the film telling that the people of Iraq wouldn't celebrate if Sadam falls, they would most likely feel relief, and go to mosques and pray.

There's also many instances that I heard the world "liberated". My inner voice keeps screaming, "ARE YOU BLIND? DEAF? or lost your brains? these people don't know the word. Sorry to burst a bubble, but they have the most conservative culture/religion/way-of-living in the entire world and even if one SADAM HUSEIN rules over them, they always have their own god to look up to, pray over to..."

Well, that's just me...

Samir Khader, stated promising words to describe what they do in AL JAZEERA. I believe that there is a reason which we don't see, why they are famous in middle east.

Democracy and Free Everything (SiCKO)

... and here I/we were taught that America is a powerful country. Sure, I guess if you mean in terms of money and "controlled, demoralized people".
From Michael Moore's "SiCKO", most likely he's coming from an activist slash comedic sarcastic point of view who advocates to the rights of people. Basically, explaining it in the context of a controversial subject in America which is their expensive Health Care Services.
Moore defies the subject matter in a form of 'mockumentary' which presented some kind of sarcastic factual point of view and mockery to their target. Eyeing on government control, and corruption, Michael Moore shows depth in presenting the knowledge of the matter as to which we all should be concerned. How is it that a third world developing country such as Cuba, can have or implement a law that will give Universal Health Care to its people? How come United Kingdom and France are able to listen to the voice of their people? Surely it is evident in this film that these three countries are merely a sample of their practice of governing their country lies to the voices of their people.

WARNING: you might want to live in France once you've watched this film. (HAHA)


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