Democracy and Free Everything (SiCKO)

... and here I/we were taught that America is a powerful country. Sure, I guess if you mean in terms of money and "controlled, demoralized people".
From Michael Moore's "SiCKO", most likely he's coming from an activist slash comedic sarcastic point of view who advocates to the rights of people. Basically, explaining it in the context of a controversial subject in America which is their expensive Health Care Services.
Moore defies the subject matter in a form of 'mockumentary' which presented some kind of sarcastic factual point of view and mockery to their target. Eyeing on government control, and corruption, Michael Moore shows depth in presenting the knowledge of the matter as to which we all should be concerned. How is it that a third world developing country such as Cuba, can have or implement a law that will give Universal Health Care to its people? How come United Kingdom and France are able to listen to the voice of their people? Surely it is evident in this film that these three countries are merely a sample of their practice of governing their country lies to the voices of their people.

WARNING: you might want to live in France once you've watched this film. (HAHA)


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